Tag Archives: what you leave behind

Episode 144: Interview with Wanda M. Morris, author of What You Leave Behind

What You Leave Behind is the powerful new book by Wanda M. Morris, and I am thrilled to host her for this episode! What You Leave Behind is a haunting thriller following a lawyer who after the mysterious disappearance of a local landowner, uncovers a conspiracy that dates back to Reconstruction and still persists in half the US today. For this episode we talk about why she writes thrillers, what she’s working on next and more. We share quite a few laughs in this episode, don’t miss it. Wanda is the only author I boost on the Long Island Railroad, so go back and listen to the first episode we did to find out why this is so!

Thank you so much Wanda! Follow Wanda on IG & Threads: @wandamowrites; on Twitter: @WandaMo14; and on Facebook: @WandaMorris. Place your holds for all Wanda’s books right here.

Wanda M. Morris recommends: You Know What You Did by K.T. Nguyen; Not What She Seems by Yasmin Angoe.