Tag Archives: the fervor

E118: Interview with Alma Katsu, author of Red London

“The whole reason I started to write this series was to showcase women in the intelligence field today; what they’re like and how they do their job.” ~Alma Katsu on writing the Red Widow series.

Red London is a sharp and nuanced race-against-the-clock story ripped from today’s headlines, a testament to author Alma Katsu’s thirty-five-year career in national security. It’s a rare spy novel written by an insider that feels as prescient as it is page-turning and utterly unforgettable. The thrills begin with the very first sentence.

Alma Katsu’s Lyndsey Duncan character appears in both in Red Widow and Red London. The best part is, you don’t have to read these titles in any particular order; start with either and hang on for the ride. Both books offer a fresh look at the high cost of doing business as an agent. Impossible to put down. Thank you so much for joining me Alma Katsu!

Alma Katsu recommends: The Swimmers by Julie Otsuka; Women Talking by Miriam Toews Follow Alma Katsu on Twitter & Instagram: @almakatsu. Reserve all Alma Katsu titles here!